First Snow of 2019

I woke up in the morning to find the world changed. It had snowed through the night leaving the world around me covered in a dusting of snow. The white of the snow contrasting with the last remaining colors of Autumn. Winter has started early this year. While it may seem nice to see the world around me in white it is a harsh reminder of the brutal, coming months of Canada’s winter with its arctic chills and heavier snow to come. Yet there is a certain charm when the first snow falls and then slowly melts away; after painting the world white with blades of green grass peeking out or the last leaves hanging on the trees precariously with stark branches dusted with snow.

Canada geese true to their name, forage and graze on the snow covered grass as though nothing has changed. Truely these wonderful birds linger on until snow covers the ground for permanently and are one of the first to come back in Spring.

Frost and snow cover the world in white crystals and the air has the sharp clean freshness that winter brings. Roadside trees change once more for a brief time as branches hold on to the snow.
The sun disappears behind the overcast sky for days on end, the remaining colors will soon fade and the white shroud of Winter will cover the world for the months to come. Here are some more photos for you all to enjoy.

The first snow might have melted away as I write this and the time for hunkering down in front of a blazing fire is come. I bid you adieu for now.
This is my amazing Canada!!!
Beautiful 😍