Allan Gardens, Tropical Paradise in the Heart of Downtown Toronto.

A truly stunning getaway from the crowded urban landscape in any season and it is right in the heart of Toronto. Allan Gardens is an oasis of green. Already spring has started early and we could easily lose ourselves in the fragrant blooms of spring flowers and forget that it was minus 18 Celsius outside! The conservatory has plants and trees from deserts right up to tropical forests. I could see cacti, orchids, bromeliads, cycas palms, carnivorous pitcher plants and many other exotic species of plants there. Don’t miss the turtles or the koi in the water features. I will certainly be going back what about you? Take a look at the video below I am sure it will entice you for a visit.
Allan Gardens is one of Toronto’s oldest parks. Founded in 1858. The Garden and most of the property was donated to the Toronto Horticultural Society by George W. Allan President of the society, a former mayor of Toronto and also a former Senator (1857). The Park was opened by the Prince of Wales who later became King Edward VII on September 11, 1860. It became known as the ‘Botanical Gardens’ and the ‘Horticultural Gardens’ at that time. It now covers over 16000 square feet. The surrounding grounds house plants and trees representing one of the last remaining stands of Carolinian Forests.

This is my amazing Canada!!!