E. T. Seton Park Winter Views

Taking a walk when it snowing can be an interesting experience. The snow blowing in your face instantly melts caressing your cheeks like a gentle kiss. Or whether you want to act like a five year old running around with your mouth open catching the wet flakes on your tongue feeling them fizz like soda as they melt. If you do venture out when it is snowing visit one of Toronto’s Parks like E. T. Seton Park and enjoy the scenery and the ambience.
Melt water has the river in full spate and of course the snow covered branches look pretty awesome too. The winter air is fresh and crisp. The distant towers seem to fade looking like monoliths of some foregone generation.
Take a tour and enjoy the snow in the photos and videos below.

This is my amazing canada !!!
Love the white snowy pics❤️❤️